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My Role:
Live Link:
Project Lead, Art Director, Senior UX/UI Designer
Project Name:
Built-In Collections Beko
White Goods

A Showcase of White Goods Collections that enables the clients to seamlessly experience the entire set of high technology built-in products from BEKO.

My role on this project was across multiple verticals: collaborating with stakeholders, getting information about personas and deciding on the best UX to meet the business strategy and objectives were just a few of them.  As a UX Designer I worked on wireframes, main flows and final screens and interactions. I was also supervising the 3D modelling team to ensure the final renders would match the mood-boards and personas.

Personas & Mood-board Input

Design Process

Beko was one of our oldest clients so we already had significant knowledge about their customers and audience, as well as of their communication direction. The Built-In Collections Experience was a more complex project so we worked closely with our Client’s Marketing Agency, set milestones along the way and aligned the communication strategy with the digital experience one.

The Built-In LP served both as a presentation of the actual products and as an immersive experience, so that the consumers could connect with the products better. The main purpose of this page was to shine a familiar light upon the built-in products, so that they could be authentically and transparently positioned in the users’ minds. Moreover, this LP is the beginning of an era where Beko is to be positioned as a tech driven brand.


Research & Discovery

The Client’s Research team conducted an Internal Research on a statistical relevant sample count.

Product Management, Sales and Trade Teams wanted to find out potential communication directions for Built-In Campaigns.

100% of the Respondents from the Internal Research considered that a Range based Design Line communication is useful as a tool of discussion with business partners.

The strategy was dominated by a hierarchy of information, assimilated from a macro to a micro point of view. Once the user enters the LP she’s instantly immersed, through the power of webVR, in one of the 6 kitchens from Beko’s world. Going further into the experience, the user goes from the overview of a kitchen to the details of the technology and design behind each product.

Design Solution - Brand authenticity displayed with transparency

Wireframe and flows

Main Drivers

In order to develop a digital experience that focuses on displaying the most suitable collection for the audience, while also keeping it simple and easy to use, we determined the main drivers that dictated the design decisions.

Custom Collection to display  

The Client grouped the audience in 6 categories of different topologies and each of them has a suitable Built-in Collection for their determined key characteristics.

We had to make sure through design that every type finds and connects with a specific collection.

Tech Driven Experience

As the new Collections features are driven by innovation and premium technical specifications, the presentation element had to rise to the same level and beyond; therefore the technologies that complement the presentation had to be future proof.

Simplicity and Ease of Use

6 Collections, each presenting many products with plenty of features to showcase, represented a lot of content for the user to view. The challenge was how to innovatively display all the information without overwhelming the users.

Given the overwhelming amount of content, the proposal was to ease the user into a scrollable like navigation, similar to nowadays digital experiences. The entire website can be navigated through with a combination of scrolls, swipes and slides both on mobile and desktop.

Challenge points:

Overcoming the power of content

reach out via linkedin to learn more about my work or just to say hi!

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